M2E Pro Version - 6.4.10
Common Changes
eBay Integration
Amazon Integration
Condition Note feature is disabled for New Amazon Products
In February 2017 Amazon announced that the Condition Note feature is disabled for all new products listed on the Channel. So, all existing Condition Note records were removed from the Offer listing page. It was a forced measure from Amazon side to stop the misuse of Condition Notes by unscrupulous sellers.
Taking into account the Amazon deprecation, M2E Pro will no longer send the Condition Note records specified for the new products. This applies to the Products you are going to list as well to those which have already been listed via the Module. It allows preventing the errors/warnings from Amazon API. Besides, you are still able to use the Condition Notes for all other products conditions, specifying them in the Selling Setting of M2E Pro Listing.
AFN Variational Child Products were ignored during the manual Revise of Parent Product
Before the Variational Child Products fulfilled by Amazon could be ignored during the Revise action manually applied to the Variational Parent Product.
Now the Revise action correctly processes and affects both MFN and AFN variations of Amazon Parent-Child Product.
Technical Changelog
- Improvement: [Amazon] Condition Note can be filled only if Condition is different than "New"
- Fix: Magento Order was not created if Buyer Email Address was not received from channel and Buyer Name contains special symbols
- Fix: Magento Order was created with invalid Tax Rate if the same Buyer bought Items from other marketplaces at one time
- Fix: "Call to a member function setStockItem() on null" for Orders which had the QTY reserved and then the Product was unmapped manually
- Fix: Log record about sending tracking number to channel was written twice mistakenly in some cases
- Fix: [eBay] Adding custom kTypes did not work in some cases
- Fix: [eBay] Address line1 and line2 are being merged in Magento Order even it is not needed
- Fix: [eBay] Unnecessary log records, about Online Price changes, can happen, if Listed Product becomes not variational in Magento
- Fix: [eBay] Order Variation Options were not mapped automatically if some Options were added after List the Item action on Channel
- Fix: [eBay] Automatic revise did not work, if Base Image was changed in Magento in some cases
- Fix: [eBay] Category Specifics edit page was crashed in some cases (the limited set of cases)
- Fix: [Amazon] Unable to revise AFN Variation Child Products by running Revise action for Parent Product
- Fix: [Amazon] Invalid variations matching for Bundle Product in some cases (the limited set of cases)