M2E Pro Version - 6.4.8
Common Changes
eBay Integration
eBay Categories and Specifics data was updated
Considering the recent changes of Categories/Specifics data on eBay, according data was updated in M2E Pro.
So, you should navigate to Sell on eBay > Configuration > eBay Sites section and press Update All Now button to get the latest version of the Categories data for all eBay sites you are using.
Add ability to use Parts Compatibility Feature for French Marketplace (kTypes)
Recently eBay added a support of the Parts Compatibility Feature for the French eBay site. So the ability to add the kTypes for Items you are going to list to eBay France becomes available from the 6.4.8 M2E Pro version.
Automatic Cancellation for Orders which were not paid yet did not work
In case you set to create Magento Order immediately after the Order from eBay was imported, you can configure Automatic Cancellation option which determines after what period the Magento Order should be canceled automatically if it was not paid.
However, previously there was an issue when the automatic cancellation did not take place.
This problem is fixed and no related issues are observed in 6.4.8 version.
Parts Compatibility feature did not work correctly if custom ePIDs/kTypes were imported
Previously the ability to import custom ePIDs/kTypes was implemented into M2E Pro. To do that, it is necessary to create a CSV file with the according data and upload it to M2E Pro using an import option in Sell on eBay > Configuration > General section.
But sometimes the issue might arise with the further management of custom values imported for Parts Compatibility option.
This problem is fixed and no related issues are observed in 6.4.8 version.
Amazon Integration
Amazon Categories data was updated
Considering the recent changes of Categories and related to them data on Amazon, according data was updated in M2E Pro.
So, you should navigate to Sell on Multi-Channels > Configuration > Marketplaces section and press Update All Now button to get the latest version of the Categories data for all Amazon Marketplaces you are using.
After that you will be able to apply the latest Categories data for your Items via Description Policy.
Incorrect behavior during management process for virtualized Attributes of Variational Products
In case the number of Variational Attributes of your Magento Product is higher than the number of Variational Attributes of Amazon Item, you can virtualize them.
However, previously the issue might arise if such virtualized attribute was edited after that Product is listed to Amazon.
This problem is fixed and no related issues are observed in 6.4.8 version.
"Disable Repricing" option did not work correctly for some of the Variational Products
Previously for the case when you set a Disabled status for any of the Child Products of your Variational Grouped Product, but the Parent itself was Enabled in the Repricing Service, the issue might arise.
This problem is fixed and no related issues are observed in 6.4.8 version.
Incorrect Price values might be displayed for Products managed via Repricing Service in the grids
Sometimes the Price values which were displayed in the grids might be not actual for Products managed via Repricing Service.
This problem is fixed and no related issues are observed in 6.4.8 version.
Wrong Price values might be set for Products that have a Disabled status in the Repricing Service in the grids
In some cases, for Products that have Disabled status in the Repricing Service, the Price value displayed in the grid might be not correct.
However, the according fix is implemented into the current version and not related issues are observed now.
The error about invalid general ID was displayed if the ISBN 10 was used for the Product
Under particular circumstances, the error, which states that your item has an invalid general ID, might arise if you attempted to list a Product to Amazon by ISBN 10.
This problem is fixed and no related issues are observed in 6.4.8 version.
Sometimes the Items might become broken if Variations were added to the according Magento Product
In case you listed initially a Simple Magento Product to Amazon, but then added Variations to it in your Magento catalog, the issue might arise.
In the current version the needed fix to correctly process such Magento Product modifications was added and no related issues are observed in 6.4.8 version.