M2E Pro Version - 6.8.0

Common changes

Enhanced M2E Pro data migration from Magento v1.x to Magento v2.x

We improved and simplified the Migration process. Now all M2E Pro data will be saved, including your Channel Sales, Product and Order logs, Scheduled and In Progress actions, etc.

Changes in the Module administration

Now you have two separate options to stop only an Automatic Synchronization running or both Module and Automatic Synchronization running. Choose the one you need under System > Configuration > M2E Pro > Advanced.

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Detailed Listing Product Logs

Starting from this version, you can find the info about QTY and Price of listed/relisted/revised products.

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eBay Integration

Prefixes for eBay orders (by Marketplace)

Now M2E Pro can mark your orders using Marketplace IDs. If you set Use Marketplace ID as a Prefix option to Yes, all orders numbers will be marked with short Marketplace ID e.g. GB145000006. You still can add General prefix that will be applied to all eBay orders. The feature can be found under eBay > Configuration > Accounts > Orders.

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Amazon Integration

ASIN Creator filter

The filter allows separate products for which you created ASINs from those products that are assigned to the already existing ASINs.

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Shipping cost in Amazon refunds

In this version, M2E Pro starts including the shipping cost to a total cost of refund if it was included in a Credit Memo.

Automatic order data resend after an unexpected error on Channel

To ensure the order data is sent to a Channel in case of an unexpected error on Amazon, we improved the process of order data synchronization. Now, if an unexpected error occurs when the system tries to transfer the data, the system will make multiple tries.

Walmart Integration

Automatic order data resend after an unexpected error on Channel

To ensure the order data is sent to Channel in case of an unexpected error on Channel, we improved the process of order data synchronization. Now, if an unexpected error occurs when the system tries to transfer the data, the system will make multiple tries.

Authorization without Consumer ID on US Marketplace

Starting from this version, to link Walmart account with M2E Pro you will need only Client ID and Client Secret. Read more about account creation in the article.