Multi-Variation Products

You can sell the following types of Magento Products as Multi-Variation ones on eBay via M2E Pro:

Multi-Variation Listing Requirements

eBay refers to Multi-Variation Products as Listings with variations. To list your Magento Product as a Multi-Variation item on eBay, the first step is to add a Parent Product to the M2E Pro Listing.

The next step is to check whether your Product meets eBay Multi-Variation Listing requirements.

Otherwise, in case Configurable, Grouped, Bundle or Simple Product with Custom Options does not meet at least one of the requirements, it will not be listed.

When creating a Listing with variations in M2E Pro, make sure that:

  1. The Listing Type is set to Fixed Price in Selling Policy.

2. The assigned Categories support Multi-Variation Listings on eBay. Click here to see the full list of supported Categories.

3. You have met certain eBay conditions regarding the quantity of values and Product Variations:

  • The quantity of Product Variations is less than 5.
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  • The quantity of values of each Variation is less than 60.
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  • The sum of quantities of all possible product combinations is less than 250.
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Here is how to calculate it:

For example, a Product has two Variations: Color, Size.

Color variation has 8 values. Size variation has 7 values.

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The sum of quantities of Product combinations is 8 x 7 = 56.

If the Product meets all the requirements above, it will be listed as a Multi-Variational item on eBay.

Multi-Variation Products Listed as Simple

If the Ignore Variations option is enabled in Selling Policy, Configurable, Grouped, Bundle, Simple Products with Custom Options are listed as Simple Products on eBay.
