via M2E Pro Updater


M2E Pro Updater automates the process of installing and updating your M2E Pro. To start using the Updater, you should install it on your Magento first. Some technical skills are required to perform the procedure manually.

Use the following instructions to install or upgrade the M2E Pro Updater:

Step 1. Download the latest version of the M2E Pro Updater.

Step 2. Unpack the downloaded file into the Magento Core directory.

Step 3. Clear the Magento cache.

Step 4. After the Updater is installed, add a new Cron job to run this file app/code/community/Ess/M2eProUpdater/m2epro_updater_cron.php. To do it, you can use the following Crontab Command: php [your-magento-shop-path]/app/code/community/Ess/M2eProUpdater/m2epro_updater_cron.php.

Once the Module is installed, you will see the Installation tab under System > Configuration > M2E Pro. Here you can run an automatic M2E Pro installation. After you install M2E Pro, the tab name will change to Upgrade.

It is important to keep the Updater up to date to guarantee its correct work. Navigate System > Configuration > M2E Pro > Installation/Upgrade to check for a new version of the Module. Follow the set-up instructions to upgrade the Updater.

It's recommended to keep notifications on to stay informed about a new M2E Pro version released.

M2E Pro Installation

After you install the M2E Pro Updater on your Magento, you can use it to install M2E Pro.

Preliminary requirements:

  • make sure you have full write permissions to all Magento files and folders;
  • check whether your server configurations comply with the next values:
    - Max execution time = 360 seconds or more,
    - Memory limit = at least 512 MB

To schedule M2E Pro installation, navigate System > Configuration > M2E Pro > Installation, click Schedule Installation under section M2E Pro.

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It can take up to 15 minutes to prepare the system for an update. The following steps will be completed automatically:

  • entering Maintenance Mode;
  • installation of M2E Pro Extension files;
  • updating of Database;
  • exiting Maintenance Mode.

That's it! M2E Pro has been successfully installed.

M2E Pro Upgrade

Once you get notified about a new M2E Pro version being released, you can schedule an upgrade.

Preliminary requirements:

  • make sure you have full write permissions to all Magento files and folders;
  • check whether your server configurations comply with the next values:
    - Max execution time = 360 seconds or more,
    - Memory limit = at least 512 MB.

To schedule M2E Pro upgrade, navigate System > Configuration > M2E Pro > Upgrade, click Schedule Upgrade under section M2E Pro.

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It can take up to 15 minutes to prepare the system for an update. The following steps will be completed automatically:

  • entering Maintenance Mode;
  • installation of M2E Pro Extension files;
  • updating of Database;
  • exiting Maintenance Mode.

Our Congratulations! M2E Pro has been successfully upgraded.